"Together Again."

Today, many people go through their lives based on what they are taught, how they are raised, and what they see around them. We all have come to the understanding that their are no "normal" people. Society is moving ever faster with higher demands. We have accepted that text messaging people, is much easier then speaking, and that liking a status is much more simple then liking the person as an entirety or individual.

The lifestyle in which we live in is ever changing, and at a much faster rate. Is this a problem, or beneficial to humanity? The current generation is using social media as well as technology for education, connecting and some even try to search for their spirituality using it. Throughout my life time I have watched the Internet go from a search engine, into a way of life. Many argue, the advances we have made have significantly improved business, the economy and even our power is a country. On the flip side, some say it is is leading to depression, anxiety and an increase in suicide.

With any great change, such as the rapid growth in technology we are seeing occur now, there will always be positive, and negative outcomes. I do however; think, that this growth is changing things people are not even aware of at a conscious level. Sure, we have seen the new articles on Facebook addiction, or people trying to become their own stars using YouTube, or even connective within Google+ communities. Let's take a second though and look at the actual time this is taking out of our lives. Let's explore a day in the modern day of a working class individual, and again (this is not everyone.)

The alarm goes off, and you reach for your phone, scrolling through the notifications from the night before to hit the dismiss button on your touch screen. You rise out of bed noticing several of your applications lit up with RED notifications stating you have unread material that you could possibly be a part of. This is how it starts. Curiosity. It is very difficult at this point, not to spend at least ten to twenty minutes looking through the tags, posts and messages you have missed while you were resting. Once the sorting, and responses are complete you get ready for your day with your normal grooming ritual and receive some good morning text messages. You would naturally find it rude to not respond, so you quickly do so before heading off to your job for the day.

You post what you are up to for the day using your social network platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc, and continue through your work day. You get a phone call from a distant relative and hit the ignore button, selecting an automated option such as "I am on a call, I will get right back to you." Your manager then calls, and you miss the call due to working with a customer. Once the call is returned, you are asked why you did not answer the phone. Finally once your day comes to an end, you decide to call a friend. Once they pick the phone up they respond with "Didn't you see my post? I am at a get together today, I will have to get back to you." You end your day alone in your room, scrolling through the beautiful highlights of other's lives.

The example above is more common than one may realize, and is changing the way we communicate, behave and live our lives. Overall, it can become a lonely place to live, if you rely on the current technologies to engage with others. We all have a natural need to interact with each other, and even a live video chat is not filling this void. Let's hope humanity comes together and finds a balance in making REAL time with other's not Face Time.
