"Transparently Blind."

Many people want to see this quality in leaders, family and basically anyone they know. Transparency is when one knows where you stand at all times, and your honest motive is effectively conveyed. The truth is, even the best of psychologists and doctors can still not completely understand what someone stands for, or what their "agenda" is. This is possibly the most unique attribute that a human being has, which is to hide ones goals from others. Is this harmful, or helpful? Put simply, it is both, just as any attribute can be. The divine ability to focus on something, and work toward it, while manipulating an audience to believe you; when, in actuality you are working toward something completely different.

This trait has become more prevalent. As society as an entirety becomes more passive in their nature they will soon realize it is only themselves they are running from. Transparency in theory, would be wonderful, because it would allow everyone to completely understand you. On the other hand though I believe this can have horrible consequences. Let's take an example into account. Who in this audience has that one friend on social media that posts their life, even when it should be kept private in an attempt to seek attention? This is in fact a form of transparency. Once this occurs however, the audience usually provides very little insight or real help or comfort. Over time, this individual will learn to retract, and not share as much because they feel exposed. This would be like a man and a woman being stripped of their clothes, and walking down a city street. The emotional turmoil that comes with being transparent can be life-changing, but I would like to argue that the lack of is becoming a danger to our very survival as a species.

Truthfully, I believe if you are a person of honor, you should be able to completely stand up to the gates of hell with who you are, what you believe and why. Over time, as we grow and develop our friends and family will batter us, eventually leading to just the opposite which is social isolation. This is a serious issue that we as the World face everyday. In the earlier 1900's before the internet boomed in the late 1980's, people would talk things out face to face and learn how to handle conflict. Technology has contributed greatly, but it was not technology alone that caused people to be ashamed of who they "really" were. Many people throughout my life will text me, and state they care, but never call. They will even ask me questions, show intense interest, and then stop texting all together for months. Well who cares right? At least they said hi and checked in? Did this mean anything to you at the end of the day though? Was their any connection established in which we could form a memory on? They will comment on a post, like a photo, or even speak about my accomplishments or downfalls to others. Is this my fault for engaging in social media, and the modern day "norms" of society? The answer is YES.

To be completely independent and emotionally intelligent, it is important to stand for what you tolerate. This means, if you want to be transparent, and truly be an authentic person, you must first learn how to interact with others and handle the direction in which any conversation could go while you present exactly what emotional and mental state you are in. So, let me tie this into how this relates to being transparent, because I know you are all wondering. Transparency at the most productive form should still be limited. Meaning, their are parts of your life that should be kept PRIVATE. At work for example, it is always good for your boss to see that you are dedicated, hardworking and self-motivated. It is also important they understand your goals. This is positive transparency. The problem is, even if you are a great employee, maybe even the best, and you share something personal, maybe a hardship; you are taking a huge risk. This is something many people forget when they get close to someone. Even more so with technology. Remember, you are being seen by everyone when you engage in online entertainment. What you say actually becomes legally documentation, even if it was just a simple post. We do not want to admit it, but the people closest to us have the most leverage.

The key to being successfully transparent, is to first understand your audience. Where are you? At home or work, or maybe at a park? The individual human being will act differently in each of these situations, but if you take it even further, you will notice their personality completely change depending on who is engaged with them. They will act much differently around a relative, than someone they work with that came to join them. This happens at a subconscious level, and has now become the modern day sword that we take out when we are around others.

Today, people do not argue as much in public or have long talks, rather they will leave the situation completely, not learn how to handle it going forward, and then use technology to communicate it. This is the root cause of why our society is becoming less intelligent, and simply reliant on pre-calculated results such as using a phone with stored numbers, or the web. Technology has allowed people to be viewed as they see fit, and you may never actually get to know the REAL person. This is absolutely fascinating, and very sad for our species.

My hypothesis for our race is that within the next one-hundred years our language will change completely, and will be completely made up of abbreviations. Depression will rise to rates that have never been seen before, and the suicide level will also go off the map. People will not be able to identify themselves as an individual, and will be distracted by the constant flow of new information that is accessible within seconds.....even if their child needs to be fed, or the dog needs to be walked. It will become acceptable to sit in one spot for 20 hours looking into a screen. As a matter of fact it is already happening right before your very eyes. Look around when you are out sometime. People are checking their phone, using it to escape real interaction. Scrolling through useless media while commuting home; rather than asking the person next to them how their day was. Eventually, we will try to revert back, but will find the new generation simply does not have the skill set's to do so. Relationships will be based on your credit score, background check and online appearance rather than your ability to use logic and protect and care for your mate. The newer generation will walk around looking at themselves and trying desperately to take that selfie to positively influence their online audience.....or should I say the only audience that is left.

Our anatomy will begin to change significantly, and we will no longer use posture; rather we will be leaning more on our sight to virtually connect with others. The economy will completely collapse because it will not be adjusted to the lack of uneducated people that is parallel to the technological advances that will be occurring by the small percent of people who are using logic to "develop" us more. A teenager will apply for a job using a phone, and even interview through text or a streaming camera enabled application. Machines will gradually take over most jobs as many of you have probably seen in films, and are seeing now. If you told me this ten years ago, unlike most of you I would have agreed. I remember the very moment a librarian told me she could not figure out her computer; therefore, I could not take out a book. I remember the first time a cashier could not count change because the computer did not calculate it ahead. I remember families that stopped eating together, and slowly decided virtual sociology, using a device was just as acceptable. Hey....after all let's admit it. It is fun getting a response right away, or seeing what everyone is doing without ever leaving your house. It is great to be able to expose yourself publicly to thousands, and make "friends" simply by clicking and exchanging some digital messages. Anything more in a relationship today is considered baggage. Well, let me be the bell boy here and attempt to respect baggage and work with it.

I hold the previous generation accountable at the highest level, for allowing technology to become a behavioral addiction; rather than a tool of moderation. Greed, motive and agendas will allow this to continue to grow until they realize it is even bigger than them. It will be at this very moment that you may find a transparent person. It is so sad to see even the news media struggle to keep up with Twitter feeds. But....they do it. Day in and day out. Are they blind, or just trying to conform? Maybe afraid to be viewed as inferior if they don't keep up with the latest technology. The truth is, the people creating this technology use very little of it in their personal life. Is this because they understand it has a place, and is not a way of life? Keep your eyes open. Try putting the cell phone down, or the computer away. Go for a walk, study and learn on your own rather than simply reading something and making a final conclusion. Our society has grown very sick, and we have become surrounded by thousands, while sitting all alone. It is my ultimate hope, that we see where this is leading, and will pull together and use technology to improve lives, rather then scrolling past the morning suicide post or news article, and maybe clicking an emoji to "express" your emotion. This is sick, disgusting and completely invades our rights but we have allowed it for convenience purposes while others use it to defeat us. Do we enjoy gossip? Seeing others suffer? Seeing how great someone else is doing? Or should we be actually living our own? Your every day hobby, or Facebook addiction could be your ultimate death sentence. 
