

Hello Everyone! Hopefully you are not too busy taking a selfie or ignoring your child with this illuminating screen in front of you. Furthermore, I dearly hope you are not text messaging a grandchild or child rather than going to see them or calling them. 

Today, many people are so sick. Let’s grab the five year old the tablet, or place them in front of a screen. Let’s text each other from across the room even though we are all sitting together. Let’s go see something new….without ever leaving our apartment. Let’s go on a date……via webcam. Let’s pretend we have not loss balance and human connection by seeking a like on social media. 

As technology begins to become more accessible to us, we are not only more limited, even though we can learn more, but we are also more confined. This is a major issue that I have seen substantially grow and develop throughout my generation. 

It is so disappointing to see just how easily influenced people are, without using their own independent thought process. I remember when the first iPhone was released. I remember when my school had gotten their first computer In the library to help catalogue their books. I remember when people would come to visit me, and we would speak and have concrete conversation. It is so sad to see where we have allowed technology to take us. 

I now see the librarian completely unable to give someone a book if the system is down. I see a mother yell at her child to hang on, while she takes a photo of herself and uploads it. I see neglect, insecurities and most of all I see a detachment and disassociation of the human race. 

We know the smile on Facebook is fake, and is simply masking a sharp pain that courses deep inside of you. It has become fundamentally clear that people no longer understand the basics of human interaction and dependent solely on technology for emotional, physical and mental health. The problem is, it is doing just the opposite, and is instead killing you slowly. If your too busy watching something fall to their death through a cell phone and taking video of it rather than trying to help the person, there is something so so very wrong.

Many professionals have said our primary purpose is to reproduce. Well folks that is something I would not wish on anyone, and would not want to expose an entire life to a screen of the false hope of true interaction which so many hope for. 

Please leave your thoughts guys, and also check the video out at WeSuppose.
