
Your friends, family, and people that have watched you develop throughout your life surely love you. Well, not really. People will go through a series of events with others, and begin to define who they are based on social encounters. It is not until one completely frees themselves of barriers that have prevented them from really exploring how to be happy that they find these individuals only hinder them.

Sadly, many people do not have your best interest in hand, and when you are going through a hard time, it is the excitement of your uncertain situation that they thrive off of. Let me start with a very basic example. If you are in a museum with your grandparent and you see a painting a lot of the times they will comment on it, or any other object for that matter. They may say something like "That man appears to be a foreigner." Now you may be wondering "So what?" Well this ladies and gentlemen is what makes up our narcissistic nature. That comment goes much deeper than just noticing someone is different. Rather than looking at the painting completely objectively, they have now classified it, so they can define it. They will walk away, knowing they have placed that entire painting into a category and will not give it any further thought. What is wrong with this?

Rather than stating that the man does not look like someone you are accustomed to seeing, why not look at the emotion in their eyes, and what they are doing. Some of you may, but I guarantee you many will not, and will simply only notice the man being different. We do this on a subconscious level all day long. We look at our relatives and place them into a category. Here are some common ones:

-The hero of the family

-The scapegoat

-The shy one

-The troubled one

Why do we do this? Well the truth is, we are constantly comparing ourselves with others because we are insecure with many attributes we have not developed ourselves. I can not tell you how many times I have been to a family event where judgement is upon that one person. They may even go as far as to plan ahead  and not invite that person. It is in my nature, to consistently cheer for the downtrodden. Once you understand how sick other's are you can remove them, as you would a cancer cell that will not stop spreading. Keep in mind, cancer is a living thing and should be respected, and maybe we can find a use for it later; however, until you discover what that is, simply remove it. I implore you to spend time alone, and really focus on yourself, but be careful. Heed this warning. Once you become successful, those very same relatives, friends and other people will fight relentlessly to overcome you, so they can place you back in the category they are comfortable with. Once this occurs, they are exposed.
